[VIDEO] Kai-Zen vs Buy Term & Invest The Difference | What a Load of Wubbish! #1 from Kai-Zen

What a Load of Wubbish!

With a combined experience of over 40 years, Daen Wombwell & Grace Barnard have heard it all.

That’s why we came up with a new show concept – “What a Load of Wubbish!”

Too often we hear clients say “Well I heard…” or “My financial advisor said…” 

This podcast will dispel topics of criticism or misinformation about NIW’s products and the insurance industry as a whole!

Our first episode dives into the “Buy Term & Invest the Difference” concept, and why Kai-Zen is a better choice for your money.

To stay up to date with the podcast, subscribe to NIW on YouTube. Follow our social media platforms as we continue to release informative and entertaining content!