The Big Race Could Bring Big Results. See Inside!

Are You Ready for the Big Race?

The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period is only weeks away – and you know what that means. 

Soon you’ll be racing to meet the coverage needs of existing clients while trying to write as much new business as possible.

Randy Mousel, Jon Enenbach and Alicia Hanson explain how Mutual of Omaha can help you stay on track and turn this big race into big business. 

Cruise your way to great rewards

Make this Annual Enrollment Period one to remember by earning the following rewards:

  • A trip to Barcelona, Spain, for Mutual Sales Leaders 2024
  • Marketing credits for issued Med supp and dental insurance apps
  • A bonus for underwritten Medicare supplement business issued July 1 through Dec. 31, 2023

See the rewards section in the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period Guidebook for more details.