[REPLAY] Interactive Asset-Care Client Presentations – Customized to Each Quote You Run from OneAmerica
Recorded 08/15/23
Turn your Asset-Care quotes into an interactive client presentation with a press of a button! Welcome to a new age in presenting OneAmerica’s Life-Based LTCi plans to your client(s) with a time-tested presentation that can be customized to your clients quote values. Three decades of successfully presenting and placing Asset-Care cases led to this customizable sales tool.
Below you can access a recording of the main portion of the webinar, as it is focuses on this new presentation tool.
OneAmerica website resources to help you tell the Asset-Care Sale Experience Story:
- Cost of LTC Calculator (consumer approved) – This is the cost of care sight I shared. Click this tutorial link for a quick (less than 3min.) overview.
- OneAmerica’s On-Demand Producer Resources – This is the site producers can access for Training Videos, Sales Ideas, Consumer approved Tools and the latest and greatest related to our Asset-Based LTCi plans. Here a tutorial link to help you navigate it.
- Experience Care Solutions – Our consumer approved Educational site for client consider LTCi planning.
- Consumer Approved Videos – Not all (but most of these) relate to LTCi planning. They are not only short, but all of the LTC content either ring an emotional chord or attempt to motive due to tax-advantaged legislative changes.