Customize and Enhance your Client’s Base Policy

Optional riders are a great way to enhance an already strong base policy. These valuable riders are for your clients who are seeking protection, but also wanting to maximize their amount of dollars being spent on disability insurance.

No Cost

  • Automatic Increase Benefit Rider – Optional no cost rider will automatically increase the current policy total monthly benefit by 4% compounded each year during the 6-year term period without evidence of financial insurability.
  • Future Insurability Option Rider – This is an optional no cost rider that allows the policyholder to increase their base monthly benefit, on each third anniversary of the rider date and every successful three year anniversary on this date thereafter, subject only to proof of financial insurability. See Mutual Income Solutions Underwriting Guide for full details.

Additional Cost

  • Extended Regular Occupation Rider – Optional cost rider extends your current occupation definition of disability applicable to the base and SIS rider past two years, to the duration of the benefit period.
  • True Regular Occupation Rider – This optional cost rider extends the insured occupation coverage for the length of the benefit period and allows the insured to receive full benefits in the event of becoming totally disabled in their regular occupation, but is working in another occupation.