Advanced Markets Sales Kit: The Importance of Working with Business Owners
Business owners often wear many hats and can be wrapped up in the day-to-day operations of their enterprise. They may not always have time to consider all the ways in which their business can and should be protected. It is critical that you serve as a valuable resource to help them identify any blind spots when it comes to protecting the business, or if selling the business is being considered.
The Advanced Markets Team is here to help you break through to business owners with any scenario you may encounter. Make sure to use our available resources in your efforts.
Producer Facing Materials:
Consumer Facing Materials:
The Advanced Markets Gateway provides you with live and 24-7 training on demand opportunities with a broad range of topics. These trainings are meant to help you close cases no matter how simple or complex.
November Advanced Markets Minute Blog: How to Talk with Business Owners – Getting Started
Listen to our brief conversation on how to get started talking with a business owner, or view the print version.
November Podcast: How to Talk With Business Owners
This month’s podcast is a more in-depth conversation on how to get started talking with business owners, and then how to proceed once making the connection. Listen to our Advanced Markets Team discuss best practices for both phases of working with business owners.