SERIES OF SOLUTIONS: Signature Guaranteed UL

Accumulation Focused
Signature Performance Indexed UL



Signature Protection Indexed UL
Signature Whole Life
Signature Guaranteed UL
Death Benefit Focused
Signature Term Life

Whether your client is looking for coverage to a certain age or a guarantee that can last a lifetime, Signature Guaranteed UL provides flexible coverage options.

Guaranteed Cash-Out Rider

Three opportunities to fully surrender the policy and receive a partial or full return of premiums paid.1

Accelerated Benefit Riders 

Offers the potential to help should your client fall terminally, chronically, or critically ill.2

Guaranteed Death Benefits

Between ages 95 and 121 to ensure your client does not outlive their policy.

1) Cash-Out Rider may not be available on all substandard rated policies, and some may only qualify for the Cash-Out option in the 15th Policy anniversary.  

2) Chronic Illness not available in California on term products or products with term riders. Some states may limit the definition of Terminal Illness to conditions that are expected to result in death within 12 months. All riders may not be available in all states. Riders may vary by state. The riders are offered at no additional premium. However, the accelerated payment will be less than the requested death benefit because it will be reduced by an actuarial discount and an administrative fee of up to $500. The amount of the actuarial discount is primarily dependent on American National’s determination of the insured’s life expectancy at the time of election. Policy Form Series: SGUL18; GCOR15; ABR14-TM; ABR14-CH; ABR14-CT; IUL19; GIUL21; PWL16; and ART18. (Forms may vary by state).