MassMutual’s Dividend Interest Rate Delivers Competitive Results

Consistently Strong Historical Results

Participating Whole Life Insurance from MassMutual® offers a combination of life insurance protection, cash value accumulation, guarantees, and income tax advantages. In addition, policies are eligible to receive annual dividends. Historically, MassMutual has delivered consistently strong results to participating Whole Life Insurance policyowners through the Dividend Interest Rate (DIR).* 

See our consumer-approved brochure. It shows that MassMutual’s DIR has delivered competitive results with substantially less variability than the investment options typically available in Variable Universal Life and Index Universal Life Insurance policies

*The dividend and dividend interest rate (DIR) are determined annually, subject to change and are not guaranteed. Dividends for eligible participating life insurance policies primarily consist of investment, mortality, and expense components. The DIR is used to determine the investment component of the dividend. It is not the rate of return on the policy and should not be the sole basis for comparing insurers or policy performance.