It’s Never too Early to Start Talking About LTC with Clients
A common mistake many agents make is thinking that LTC planning is a conversation best reserved for older clients. Join us for an LTC Awareness Month webinar that will give you an LTC strategy you can start using today with clients of any age.
Long-Term Care (LTC) Awareness Month is just around the corner. Take advantage of this prospecting opportunity and amp up your LTC game with these tips and tools:
Be consistent with your marketing efforts
LTC Awareness Month is a great excuse to kick-start the conversation with prospects but it’s something you should make a habit of talking about. Use our week-by-week marketing plan to help spark interest and make connections with prospects in November and beyond.
Meet prospects where they’re at
Consumers are concerned about their future health needs and looking for a solution. Use our LTC social media toolkit to connect with prospects and help motivate them to start making a plan of their own – with your expert guidance.