DI for STEM Professionals
Have your financial professionals considered DI for their STEM clients?
Disability income (DI) insurance isn’t just for doctors. There are many other high-income earning1 career fields that may be ideal markets for MassMutual DI. One of these fields includes Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) occupations.
Meet Annie, a hypothetical client:
- 33-year-old female
- Chemist
- $100,000 annual salary
- Has group long term disability through her employer
- Wants to help ensure she has enough DI, should she become too sick or hurt to work
See how Individual DI insurance through MassMutual could be the right solution.
We’ve created STEM materials to help your financial professionals capture more market share in this increasingly popular occupational group.
1 Average annual salary as of May 2021 ($100,900 STEM vs. $55,260 non-STEM occupations). BLS. Occupational Employment and Wages Summary (https://www.bls.gov/news.release/ocwage.nr0.htm)