This is the Time to Talk to Your Clients About Legacy Planning

A Choice Accumulation fixed index annuity offers an optional death benefit that provides guaranteed 7% growth for up to 15 years to help maximize legacy planning.1 With an opportunity for guaranteed growth like that, your clients might rest a little easier knowing that their loved ones can plan to have something for their future.

Show your clients the opportunity for a legacy strategy that’s guaranteed!


1 The optional Enhanced Death Benefit is available at an annual cost of 0.50%, assessed at the end of the contract year, based off of the Enhanced Death Benefit amount. The benefit is comprised of a guaranteed roll-up of 7.00% simple interest for 15 years based off of premiums, less withdrawals. All withdrawals will reduce the benefit. A minimum issue age of 0 and maximum age of 75 applies. If death occurs prior to the 15th contract anniversary, the EDB will stop growing.