Our Rate Renewal Story Speaks for Itself

Check out the latest annuity rate renewal history.

Consistent renewal rates can help give clients confidence in their future. Take a look at our latest renewal rate story.

Our 100% track record of setting renewal rates within the initial withdrawal charge period that are equal to initial rates on our Choice Accumulation FIA series demonstrates our commitment to helping meet your clients’ retirement goals. *  Visit imo.globalatlantic.com for more information and resources.


* Since Choice Accumulation II fixed index annuity product inception.  
Past results are not predictive of future results.  
With a fixed index annuity (FIA), the contract value is tied to one or more interest crediting strategies selected by the client. Initial rates, index caps and spreads are declared when the contract is issued and are guaranteed for the first strategy term, but can be adjusted for future strategy terms. Strategy terms vary by the interest crediting strategy. Rates and caps will never be less than the minimum guaranteed interest rate or index cap described in the contract. Spreads will never be more than the guaranteed trigger rates or guaranteed participation rates. An FIA is not a registered security or stock market investment and does not directly participate in any stock or equity investments or index.