Our Updated Agent Portal has a Sleek New Look!
Log into the updated Agent Portal today!
Click on the Portal link below to get started. Your User ID is your full agent code; your password is the same as it was for the old website.
Have You Found Your Treasure Yet?
Look for seven treasure chests hidden throughout the Agent Portal. As you locate each one, fill in the corresponding line on the entry form (click here). The first one has been filled in for you.
Once you’ve found all the treasure chests, send the completed form to UHL.Marketing@unitedhomelife.com to be entered in the drawing for one of three Amazon gift cards*.
To log into the updated Agent Portal, click the link below. Your log-in ID is your agent code, and your password is the same one you used to log into the old site.
*Value of Amazon gift card will be reported on agent’s 1099.