Reach Black Consumers with this Powerful Message

Our new video can help you expand your business with Black consumers.  See Regina’s Story. 

Look at the potential: 75% of Black consumers surveyed say they’re interested in buying more life insurance.* They’ll know that’s a wise decision when you share with them the story of Regina, who lost her husband in a tragic accident.

What’s more, Term Essential’s rates are now, on average, 9% lower across the board. You’ll be able to:

  • Offer lower-cost protection
  • Tailor multiple policies for individuals and their families
  • Leverage favorable rates to gain additional referrals to Black consumers 

In addition to the video, start using the tools and resources in the Black Consumer interactive guide to advance your outreach to this key demographic. 

*Source: 2021 Insurance Barometer Study, LIMRA and Life Happens