New Limited Distribution FIA Product

We are happy to offer a new FIA accumulation option to complement our PGI income product!

PAB II 10 YR will replace Protective Asset Builder AND Protective Indexed Annuity II effective 12/31/2020, a field bulletin will follow at a later time with details.  We are very excited to bring this offering to you – here’s the low-down on PAB II 10 YR:

  • 10-year Duration
  • Flexible Premium ($10,000 minimum initial premium)
  • S&P 500 Index Strategies
    • Annual Point-to-Point (Par)
    • Annual Point-to-Point (Cap)
    • Annual Point-to-Point (Rate Cap for Term)
      • The same strategy that gained so much attention on PGI is available – if you have producers who have been burned by renewal rates, this is for you!
    • Annual Point-to-Point (Trigger)
  • Citi Flex Allocation 6 (Par – 2 Year)
    • One of the best performing indexes of 2020 is available with PAB II 10 YR!
  • JP Morgan Mojave – NEW!
    • Annual Point-to-Point uncapped with a par rate, the Mojave is a dynamic, rules-based daily allocation approach with a 5% volatility target.
  • 10% Free Withdrawals = Starting in Year 0
  • 6% Street Commission
More information is available on