Talk Key Employee Benefits to Help Businesses Entice Top Talent

How can businesses recruit, reward, retain, and retire top talent?

Owners of small- to medium-sized businesses (up to 500 employees) have a lot on their mind. Rising to the top in the midst of the “Great Resignation” is how to recruit and retain their top employees. Workers are leaving their jobs at unprecedented levels, with the national quit rate from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics recently reaching the highest level since it’s been measured.1

Key employee benefits can help.

Offering key employee benefits can provide advantages—like helping them make up for benefits lost due to limitations on qualified retirement plans and Social Security. The result is more engaged and loyal employees, and it creates an opportunity to attract new talent, too.

We’ve got you covered with a range of nonqualified solutions, including employer-sponsored deferred compensation, bonus, split dollar, and death benefit only plans. With Principal, you and your clients get access to unique and customized plan designs, a team of experienced professionals that provide legal, tax, and accounting expertise, and comprehensive plan administrative service.

Get started today.

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1, Oct. 18, 2021.