COVID-19 Underwriting Guideline Updates

Underwriting Guideline Updates: 

  • Travel. Foreign travel has opened up to all destinations we typically would cover, so there’s no postponement period upon the applicant’s return to the US. Underwriters will, however, have discretion to take adverse action for travel to COVID-19 hot spots.
  • COVID-19 positive clients. For applicants who test positive for COVID-19, there will be no postponement period once they are deemed recovered. This assumes they weren’t hospitalized and have no ongoing symptoms or COVID-19 comorbidities.
  • Ages and table ratings
    • Ages through 65. Maximum Table 6 for Term, maximum Table 10 for Permanent products. Medical flat extras on top of a table rating is allowed.
    • Ages 66 to 80. No change to current guidelines (maximum Table 2 or maximum flat extra of $5.00 per thousand. Table rating + flat extra is acceptable if flat extra is non-medical).
    • Ages >80. No change – we will not consider.
  • Statement of Health. Statement of Health is still required on delivery.