Check out Principal’s Newest Product – UL Provider Edge II!

UL Provider Edge II offers low-cost coverage with optional guarantees to age 100!!!

  • Extended No Lapse Guarantee Coverage – If elected, coverage is guaranteed to age 100.  Current values can carry the product beyond 100 (current crediting rate 3.75%). 
  • Competitive – Product looks great across the board but here are the ultra-competitive spots-
    • Guarantee to 100, $1 Cash Value at 121 – Male All Ages Preferred and Super Preferred Continuous & 10 Pay; Female All Ages All Risk Classes Continuous & 10 Pay
    • Guarantee to 100- Same basic premium as UL Protector IV.  Male All Risk Classes Ages 65 and 75 Continuous Pay; Females Ages 45, 55, 65 All Risk Classes Continuous Pay
    • Carry to 121 (10 Year Guarantee) – Across the board!
  • Great Targets! – Targets have been increased and are among the highest for guarantee products!
  • Accelerated Underwriting – You can now get up to $3,000,000 of coverage through Accelerated Underwriting on this (and all) products!!! (See chart below for age/Digital Health Data(DHD) parameters).  The goal of the increased amounts and DHD is to get as many people through the underwriting process without requiring new exams.
  • Underwriting Programs – Our new Risk Upgrade Program can improve a table 2 to standard or waive a $2.50 FE – After Healthy Lifestyle Credits have been applied.
  • Riders – This new product has key riders including Chronic Illness Death Benefit Advance (CIDBAR), Business Value Increase, and Salary Increase Rider.