Four Words for the Long-Term Care Conversation
When we talk about long-term care or present long-term care as part of a holistic LTC plan, there are four words that should be used in every conversation: Effective, Efficient, Access, and Control. These words are very powerful when it comes to positioning long term care solutions and preserving a lifestyle.
Ask anyone who is savvy with their money and they will tell you there are three things that are important: preservation of capital, effective and efficient use of their assets, and maintaining access and control over both their money and the situation. We don’t want someone else controlling our money or making our decisions. Now let’s use those four words.
We’ve all heard people say that, in the event of a long-term care need, they are going to pay for their care out of pocket (because they believe it’s never going to happen to them). Your reply, “I can see you’ve given this some thought. That could be an effective LTC plan. My compliments to you since most people don’t have an LTC plan. But is it the most efficient? Additionally, you may have the money to self-fund a long-term care event but do you maintain access and control not only of your money but over your entire lifestyle? Money does not mean access and control. We are talking about access to people and services and the ability to control the setting in which those services are provided.
So while money is important and you could pay for this care on your own, I can show you an effective way, to create greater efficiency, while maintaining access and control over your money and care, and solving for an unlimited and unfunded liability.
For additional ideas on how to start the LTC conversation, please reach out to your Internal Wholesaler at Financial Markets Inc for sales and support!