2023 Intercompany Long Term Care Insurance Conference
I’m writing this message as I return from the 2023 Intercompany Long Term Care Insurance Conference (ILTCI) that wrapped up today in Denver. With more than 950 registered attendees, 40 different educational workshops, and more than 200 presenters, this year’s ILTCI was a great meeting for carriers, distribution partners, and service providers.
Three topics of discussion that could be heard throughout the exhibit hall were in the areas of legislation, robotics, and wellness. At this moment, according to NAIFA, there are 57 bills being tracked in 15 different state government legislatures. At both the state and federal levels, long term care awareness continues to be a focal point. From a technology standpoint, two vendors demonstrated the use of robotics to help as people age in place including carrying heavy items across the room, acting as a second set of hands, and helping dispense medications on a scheduled basis with reminder alarms. Finally, wellness programs continue to gain traction and demand as both insurance carriers and consumers look for benefits that include support systems, promoting healthy living styles and behaviors, and preventative care.
As a Diamond Sponsor with close to 25 associates attending and/or presenting at ILTCI, OneAmerica recognizes the importance of understanding these, and all, industry trends. From distribution to product design, actuarial science to operations, our associates provided a breadth and depth of thought leadership during the conference. We were able to network with industry professionals and are committed to passing the knowledge and connections we gained on to our distribution partners. We are proud to provide our intellectual value to the industry and will continue our effort to provide ideas and guidance that enable us to align, anticipate and solve customer needs.