Up to 14.36% Net Illustrated Rates on VersaChoice
NAC VersaChoiceSM 10 fixed index annuity offers diversification options and performance power potential your clients may want in their financial plan for retirement.
- 13 uncapped index strategies with net1 illustrated rates from 5.38% – 14.36% (subject to a participation rate or index margin. Based on last 10 years2)
- Index options from strong financial brands Morgan Stanley, S&P, and Fidelity
1. Net illustrated rate reflects applicable crediting rate parameters and strategy charges. Interest credits greater than 0% are not guaranteed.
2. Based on hypothetical projected illustrated rates, last 10 years, high band of $75,000+, and applicable crediting rate parameters and strategy charges as of May 17, 2022. Hypothetical illustrated rates are not intended to predict future performance. The use of alternate assumptions could product significantly different results.