Rates, LPPs, Roll-Up Decrease on North American Annuities Effective 01/16/2024

Rates, lifetime payment percentages (LPPs) and roll-up rates decrease on our fixed index annuities, see details below.

  • NAC VersaChoiceSM 10 (rates only)
  • Performance Choice® 8 (rates only)
  • Income Pay ProSM 10 (roll-up rate only)
  • NAC BenefitSolutions® 10 (LPPs only)
  • NAC Control. XSM 10 (rates only) 

Updated LPP and roll-up materials will be available on our website Jan. 16. 


  • LPP and roll-up rate changes apply to applications received in the home office or submitted through e-Biz on or after Jan. 16. No funding deadline applies.
  • Credited interest rate changes apply to applications received in the home office or submitted through e-Biz on or after Jan 16. A rate lock window of 45 days will apply.
  • Features and rates are subject to change at any time.