[Premium Bonus Increase] North American Charter Plus FIA Enhancements
We’ve taken one of our most popular products and made it even better
North American Charter Plus 10 & 14 fixed index annuities (FIAs) offer our highest upfront premium bonus1 plus competitive accumulation potential. Recent enhancements include:
- Up to 2% increase in premium bonuses
- New indices now available from Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, S&P and Fidelity
- Crediting methods now aligned with our popular NAC VersaChoiceSM 10 and Performance Choice® 8 FIAs
New resources to share with clients
Resources for you
Note: Enhanced crediting methods with strategy charges2 are now available on Charter Plus. New training is required. Visit RegEd and use the training code 23SFGNAC_03 to take training today.
1. Premium bonus may vary by annuity product, premium band and surrender charge period selected and may be subject to a premium bonus recapture. Products that have premium bonuses may offer lower credited interest rates, lower index cap rates, lower participation rates and/or greater index margins than products that don’t offer a premium bonus. Over time and under certain scenarios the amount of the premium bonus may be offset by the lower credited interest rates, lower index cap rates, lower participation rates and/or greater index margins.
2. Known as a strategy fee annual percentage in the contract. In exchange for the charge, the client receives an enhanced participation rate. The charge is multiplied by the number of years in the crediting term and is deducted once each term from the accumulated value allocated to the enhanced participation rate method. The charge will be deducted once each term at the earliest of any partial withdrawal that exceeds the penalty-free amount, a full surrender or the end of the term. The strategy charge will be deducted regardless of the interest credited to the contract and can lead to loss of premium in certain scenarios.