Introducing New Option for Fidelity Index

Diversification in index options offers flexibility for clients wishing to balance cash value growth on their indexed universal life (IUL) insurance policy, while limiting the impact of market volatility. To make these diversification choices even stronger, North American is now offering two index allocation options for the Fidelity Multifactor Yield Index 5% ER on all currently marketed IUL insurance products. 


  • A trusted, privately held company founded in 1946, Fidelity Investments has diverse investment capabilities across a multi asset class platform.
  • North American’s high-par option utilizes an annual point-to-point crediting methodology and will have a higher participation rate1, relative to our existing option.
  • Allocations to this index can provide a chance for more upside potential, strong downside protection, and account value accumulation to the policyholder.

See how the Fidelity Index options compare and how combining factors may provide greater diversification benefits!