Discover Recent Enhancements to an Agent Favorite Product

North American Charter Plus 10 & 14 fixed index annuities (FIAs) offer our highest upfront premium bonus1 plus competitive accumulation potential. Recent enhancements include:

  • Up to 12% no-fee premium bonus1 
  • Flexible premium FIA, premium bonus1 applied to all premium received in the first 7 years3
  • New indices available from leading financial brands: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, S&P and Fidelity
  • Crediting methods now aligned with our popular NAC VersaChoiceSM 10 and Performance Choice® 8 FIAs 

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1. Premium bonus may vary by annuity product, premium band and surrender charge period selected and may be subject to a premium bonus recapture. Products that have premium bonuses may offer lower credited interest rates, lower index cap rates, lower participation rates and/or greater index margins than products that don’t offer a premium bonus. Over time and under certain scenarios the amount of the premium bonus may be offset by the lower credited interest rates, lower index cap rates, lower participation rates and/or greater index margins.

2. A.M. Best Company rating – effective August 29, 2023. A+ is the 2nd of 15 categories.

3. May be subject to premium bonus recapture