Take a Look at These Stats!
We remain committed to supporting you and your clients in the current environment.
National Life has been dedicated this year to making it easier for you to write business in any remote situation. One of the key initiatives that helps us do this is EZ Underwriting,* our accelerated underwriting program which allows our agents and clients to go through the underwriting process without the need for traditional requirements, such as an exam and lab results.
So how is our EZ Underwriting program working? Take a look at the chart above to see how our numbers speak for themselves!
EZ Underwriting Stats
Ages 0-50 Face Amounts Under $250,000
Approving 98% of applications with no exam and no APS!
Ages 0-50 Face Amounts $250,000 to $1,000,000
Approving 94% of applications with no exam and no APS!