New Death Benefit Solve for FlexLife

Protection Focus results in lower premiums for specific face amounts.

FlexLife Indexed Universal Life (IUL) was designed to meet a wide range of client needs. Now, we’ve added a new face solve type for clients who are focused on the level of death benefit protection.

With the new Protection Focus face solve type, you now have five options to create a tailored policy for your clients.

Death benefit coverage at lower premiums

The Protection Focus face solve type is ideal when your clients are looking for a specific death benefit, and you are competing on price.

When you select Protection Focus, the illustration system will ask for the Total Face Amount. Based on this Total Face Amount and the age of the insured, Protection Focus will solve for a blend of Base and Additional Protection Benefit (APB) face amounts. The premium suggested by the Protection Focus solve is designed to avoid policy lapse.

When you select Protection Focus, the illustration system will ask for the Total Face Amount. Based on this Total Face Amount and the age of the insured, Protection Focus will solve for a blend of Base and Additional Protection Benefit (APB) face amounts. The premium suggested by the Protection Focus solve is designed to avoid policy lapse on a current projected basis. 

(Remember, there is no target premium associated with the portion of coverage provided through the APB rider.)

This new solve helps you be competitive and provides death benefits with lower premiums.