Put DI to Work for Business Owners
A business owner depends on their income to keep their doors open and provide for their family. A disability that prevents a business owner from working might impact them much differently than, perhaps, a worker in an office, making their need for income protection far higher than that of an employed individual’s need. Use this opportunity to approach business owners for Mutual of Omaha’s disability income insurance product, Mutual Income Solutions.
Industries to Focus On
Optometrists help people see the best they can, diagnosing and treating disorders of the eye. Take a closer look at the occupation and the opportunity to provide a disability income protection solution.
How & Why to Focus on Optometrists →
Small Animal Vets
From clinics to zoos, veterinarians are trusted caretakers for some of the most vulnerable. Take a closer examination of the occupation and the opportunity to provide a disability income protection solution.
How & Why to Focus on Small Animal Vets →
Additional Industries and Resources
Business owners can also be found in many other industries, including architecture and consultative work. Click below for additional ideas and information to help find the right approach for business owners.
Learn more about Mutual of Omaha’s disability income insurance product by visiting MutualIncomeSolutions.com.