New Critical Advantage Sales Ideas

With the Critical Advantage portfolio of products, payment is made to the policyholder in a lump sum, which makes this portfolio a great addition to existing business. It fits perfectly with Mutual of Omaha’s long-term care, disability income or life insurance products as a way to offer clients supplemental income.

To help you position the Critical Advantage products, we have put together two new sales ideas to help clients see the bigger picture when discussing their financial strategy.

Determining the Right Coverage for a Non-Working Spouse

Non-working spouses play a vital role in their household. Unfortunately, they don’t receive the same insurance protection options as their working partners in the case of an illness. See how a Critical Illness, Cancer, or Heart Attack & Stroke policy can offer the sense of preparedness they’re missing.

Offer Critical Advantage when Selling Life Insurance

Life insurance protection is protection for the ones you love, once you’re gone – but what about while you’re still here? Do your clients know there is protection available for the present? Learn how to position Mutual of Omaha’s Critical Advantage portfolio as a complement to their life insurance policy and how the portfolio’s products can help replace lost income, pay health insurance deductibles, and even cover the cost of household expenses.

Make sure to visit our Critical Advantage Product Page on Sales Professional Access for even more reasons why Mutual of Omaha’s Critical Advantage portfolio of products are part of the bigger picture.