Make the Case for Income Protection

Because attorneys have invested extended time and energy into their education and career, they likely have an even greater understanding of the need for income protection. Take advantage of this increased awareness by focusing on attorneys for Mutual of Omaha’s disability income insurance product, Mutual Income Solutions.

Why Attorneys? Take a Closer Look

With a median income of $120,910 and an average projected job growth rate of 6% through 2028, attorneys are ideal candidates for Mutual Income Solutions.

In addition:

  • Attorneys are Centers of Influence (COI)
  • Attorneys may be eligible to receive discounts on their DI policy

How and Where to Approach Attorneys

  • Review your current book of business
    • Look for existing attorney clients who may not have individual DI coverage
    • Look for clients who are paralegals, legal assistants, mediators and other similar fields who may be able to provide introductions to attorneys
  • Reach out to local and regional association groups that attorneys are likely to belong
  • Use LinkedIn’s Advanced Search function to find and connect with local attorneys

Focusing on Attorneys: A Checklist for Success

Set yourself up for productive disability income insurance conversations with attorneys by doing the following:

  • Develop your knowledge with our Market Profiles. This will help you gain a better understanding about what attorneys want and need when it comes to income protection
  • Show attorneys how we can customize their coverage with our Client Occupation Flyer
  • Expand on the need for disability income insurance with the Needs Brochure
  • Help educate your connections by publishing these consumer-approved social media posts

Start finding strategies that put DI to work for attorneys by reviewing the information and materials above. Learn more about Mutual of Omaha’s disability income insurance product by visiting