LTC Riders Can Benefit Younger Clients

Have your clients purchased Long-term care insurance yet?
If not, why not?

  • They may not realize they need it. In fact, most don’t. That is, until they’ve experienced a parent or grandparent depleting their assets to pay for long-term care services.
  • Others have a hard time making the purchase because they’re still young and can’t imagine themselves in a nursing home or assisted living facility. At this point in their lives, they only see
    the long-term care insurance premiums as an expense.

This kind of thinking can lead younger clients to postpone their long-term care planning. However, by failing to plan, your clients face the possibility of not qualifying for long-term care insurance once they’re ready to purchase it.

There is, however, another option. Your younger clients with a need for life insurance can purchase a life insurance policy with a long-term care rider.