IULs that are Simple-Flexible-Trusted
At Mutual of Omaha we want to make the decision easy when determining what solution best fits the needs of your clients.
Our IULs are:
1. Simple – The simple design of our products makes them easy to understand, illustrate and fund. They are straightforward and transparent IULs with one of the lowest cost structures in the industry.
2. Flexible – We have 3 IULs that are all designed to meet the unique needs of a variety of clients. Including powerful built-in riders such as the Guaranteed Refund Option (GRO)* Rider and Chronic Illness Rider.
3. Trusted – We understand that we are here for our customers and because of them, every decision we make is with their best interests in mind.
So when your producers are meeting with their clients about IULs, keep it simple and go with the strength of Mutual of Omaha.