Important Notice: Zero Tolerance
At Mutual of Omaha, we take great pride in and stand behind our core values and our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. We value our distribution partners and trust they will conduct business in a manner that is consistent with our company values and our diversity, equity and inclusion policy.
Mutual of Omaha has a zero tolerance for any form of harassment. This includes any type of communications, including verbal, printed and electronic communications such as social media posts, memes, text messages, etc., that harass or threaten individuals based on their race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or any other protected class or status. Federal and state laws protect against discrimination and harassment based on these characteristics.
Anyone associated with our company must conduct themselves in a manner that is professional and does not compromise Mutual of Omaha’s corporate image, values or the safety and security of others. While we welcome healthy competition amongst our distribution partners, we can compete with honor and dignity and without harassment towards our competitors.
Any entity that supports, fails to control, or take action against this type of behavior within their own organization will be subject to termination of their contract and will not be able to sell Mutual of Omaha products.
In addition, any agent who takes part in this unacceptable behavior independent of their Agency’s rules and guidelines will be terminated and labeled “Do Not Recontract” with Mutual of Omaha.
We believe we serve an honorable cause by providing coverage and protection to our customers and wish to do it with the greatest respect for everyone.
If you have questions or need to report inappropriate conduct, please contact your sales team. Depending on your concern, you may feel more comfortable contacting our anonymous Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Helpline: 1-800-635-5130, available 24/7.