Illinois and Nevada Open Enrollment Periods
New Open Enrollment periods are available for Illinois and Nevada effective January 1, 2022. Medicare supplement applications for eligible policyholders in Illinois and Nevada can be taken starting January 1, 2022. See below for details on eligibility requirements for each state:
- Annual Open Enrollment lasting 45 days, beginning on an individual’s birthday, during which time a person may replace an Omaha Insurance Company Medicare supplement policy with an Omaha Insurance Company policy of lesser benefits.
- An individual must be between the ages of 65 through 75 to be eligible.
- Coverage will not be made effective prior to the individual’s birthday or beyond 60 days from the application date.
- The Open Enrollment and Guaranteed Issue Worksheet in the Illinois application has been updated to include this information.
- Annual Open Enrollment lasting 60 days, beginning 1st day of an individual’s birthday month ending 60 days from that date during which time an individual may replace an Omaha Insurance Company Medicare supplement policy with a policy of lesser benefits from Omaha Insurance Company.
- Coverage will not be made effective prior to the individual’s birthday or beyond 60 days from the application
- Eligible policyholders will receive a letter in the mail informing them about this new enrollment period. These letters will begin going out on the week of 11/15.
- To view a sample of the letter, click here.
- A Notice will also be included in eligible policyholders Rate Increase letters.
The Medicare Supplement Underwriting Guidelines have been updated to include information of these Open Enrollment periods. This information can be found in the PDF on pages 10 and 11.