Help Clients Understand Their IUL Express Allocation Options

The accumulation value within an Indexed Universal Life Express (IUL Express) policy earns interest at a rate that is calculated based on the performance of a market index. If you use the IUL Express Easy Solve, the 100% participation rate crediting strategy will be selected, but your clients also have additional crediting strategy options.

Your clients can choose from three crediting strategies, all based on the performance of the S&P 500, as well as a fixed account. This allows them to tailor their policy based on how they believe the index will perform. Clients can choose to allocate all of their accumulation value to a single crediting strategy or among multiple crediting strategies.

The three index interest crediting strategies include:

  • 100% participation rate
  • Higher participation rate (>100%) with lower cap
  • Lower participation rate (<100%) with no cap

Learn more about these crediting strategies and share information about each strategy with your clients using our client-approved Indexed Interest Allocation Options flyer. 

And, to learn even more about IUL Express, visit our simplified issue microsite: