Optiblend Fixed Index Annuity Rates are Increasing Effective 09/05/23!

Please see attached rate sheet for specifics but wanted to highlight the $100k or more OptiBlend 7 Opportunity!

  • 1YR S&P 500 Performance Trigger Rate increasing to 9.30%
  • Fixed Rate increasing to 5.10%

100% allocation 1 Year S&P500 Performance Triggered Index at current rate of 9.30% for 100k or more in the Optiblend 7.

  • If the S&P500 is negative 1 year out of 7 years = Average return 7.97%
  • If the S&P500 is negative 2 years out of 7 = Average return 6.64%
  • If the S&P500 is negative 3 years out of 7 = Average return 5.31%

What if a Client doesn’t want to see a 0% crediting? Consider a 50/50 allocation between the 1 Year S&P500 Performance Triggered Index at 9.30% and the Fixed Account Rate at 5.10% 

  • In a policy year that the S&P500 is negative the total interest at current rates would be 2.55% because of the fixed rate crediting regardless of the S&P500 performance.
  • In a policy year that the S&P500 is positive the 1 Year S&P500 Performance Triggered Index and the Fixed Account rate would both credit for a blended return of 7.2%.