OptiBlend FIA Rate Change 05/16/23
Given the drop in yields and treasury last week, there will be a slight change in rates effective 5/16. Take advantage of this opportunity to move clients off the fence with our Rate Lock procedures, you can help them lock in the higher rates!
New 5/16 Rates ($100K+ Premium). Please see the attached rate flyer and FIA rate lock procedures for details.
OptiBlend 5
Fixed Bucket 4%
S&P 500 Trigger 8%
S&P 500 Cap 8.75%
S&P DRC 10% .50bps spread
OptiBlend 7
Fixed Bucket 4.15%
S&P 500 Trigger 8.25%
S&P 500 Cap 9%
S&P DRC 10% .25bps spread
OptiBlend 10
Fixed Bucket 3.8%
S&P 500 Trigger 7.25%
S&P 500 Cap 8%
S&P DRC 10% .50bps spread
*Our Rate Lock procedures require that licensing is complete. Make sure to double check Product Training, State Annuity CE, and Best Interest Requirements completion prior to signing an application.
(Please reference the Lincoln Leader for transition guidelines on the BlackRock Par Plus account that’s being phased out on 5/22)
Reminder that we accept premium amounts up to $2 million, anything above can be considered on an exception basis.