Market Intel — Start Now to Time the Market for LTC Planning

Did you know the average age of someone who purchases a MoneyGuard® solutions policy is 57?1 And that the average age of someone on claim (using their LTC benefits) is 83?2

That’s 26 years, on average, for clients to prepare.

Long-term care planning IS long-term planning. We already know that the best way to combat inflation over the long-term is to leverage equities. If your clients are choosing to “self-insure” for their LTC, and they are doing it in cash or with a fixed solution — why? The Morningstar data below demonstrates the real risks equities pose in an 80/20 portfolio over a 20- to 30-year time frame. You can also see that the average downside is up 5.1% to 8.7%.

With the ability to actively manage a portfolio of funds within a tax-advantaged solution, could you do better for your clients than simply allowing them to self-fund?

1Lincoln internal sales data.

2Lincoln internal claims data.