Check Out These Rates for Lincoln MYGuarantee℠ Plus

Help your clients save for retirement through the power of growth and protection, while reducing their exposure to risk.

  • Interest rate is guaranteed for the 5-year duration
  • Full access to the account value after the surrender charge period
  • Beginning in the first contract year, up to 10% of the accumulation value may be withdrawn without incurring contract charges

*Lincoln MYGuarantee rates may differ in California. Please see California-specific rate sheet.

Lincoln MYGuaranteeSM Plus 5-year
Premium < $100,000Premium ≥ $100,000
5-year guarantee1
5-year guarantee1

Credits an established fixed interest rate guaranteed for the initial five contract years; afterwards, renewal rates are declared annually.

1 Fixed Account interest is credited and compounded daily. Rates are guaranteed for the entire period. Guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company.