2 Years of MYGA Returns in 1!

Lincoln Partner,


Did you know you can get the equivalent yield of 2 years of MYGA returns in 1 with Lincoln’s 1 YR S&P 500 10% DRC Trigger? The index just has to be flat or positive to get 9.75% credited to your account value! 


1 YR S&P 500 10% DRC Trigger = 9.75% on all durations for $100k premium or more! (Click Here for Optiblend FIA Rates)

    • Since inception, the S&P 500 Daily Risk Control 10% Index has been positive more than 76% of the time (see attached flyer for specifics)
    • Here is a link to the Index Performance site: S&P DRC 10% remember above the graph change to Excess Return from Total.


With the extreme volatility in both markets and interest rates now is the time to capitalize on this incredible opportunity!