No Time Like the Present

The Time Right Now Is a Gift: That’s Why It’s Called the Present

Life Insurance Awareness Month. It comes but once a year. But its benefits last through generations.

Now is the perfect time to check in with your clients. They may be thinking more and more about the legacy they want to leave their loved ones. Or perhaps they want to prepare ahead to cover final expenses.

All this month you’ll be receiving support material that sparks client conversations and helps address coverage gaps.

Client Questions Spark Conversations:

Are you uncertain about a client’s current needs and what’s changed in their lives and status? Here are some great questions to help break the ice and focus your attention.

  • Do you feel more or less secure than you did this time last year? Why?
  • What’s on the horizon for your family and its financial status that most concerns you? Why?
  • Talk about the largest unexpected expense you’ve had this year?
  • Tell me how confident you are in your current coverage?