Introducing our Repriced Protection Survivorship UL
Our repriced Protection Survivorship UL (Protection SUL) remains a key component of John Hancock’s industry-leading survivorship portfolio, and is still one of the most affordable survivorship universal life products in the industry. In fact, for the top three risk classes at all ages, Protection SUL offers extremely competitive premiums in a variety of funding scenarios. That affordability — along with its strong guarantees and cash value growth potential — make it an ideal solution for couples in need of affordable death benefit protection. The newly repriced Protection SUL offers:
- Industry-leading premiums for level-pay, short-pay and single-pay scenarios
- Strong no-lapse guarantees with attractive cash value potential — especially compared to guaranteed SUL products
- Significant savings and rewards for healthy living through Vitality PLUS
- Enhanced target premiums, offering an additional 30% on single-pay and other early funding scenarios
Protection SUL ’19 reprice has been approved in all states except New York.