Does Your Client Know the Total Cost of Their Last Wishes?
Funeral Expense Worksheet
Did you know…
- The average cost of a funeral is $7,8001
- Social Security provides a one-time death payment of only $2552
Your clients may not have considered the total cost of their last wishes and other final expenses.
Gerber Life has put together a resource to help you assist your clients and prospects in understanding the scope and potential cost of a funeral, which can lead to a larger discussion about paying for final expenses and the types of life insurance coverage available that can help meet this need.
Our new Funeral Expense Worksheet is also a part of our larger Legacy and Last Wishes Guide, and now it is available as a convenient one-page worksheet to share and discuss with your prospective clients.
Note: This worksheet is provided for informational purposes only and does not cover all aspects of specific situations. Gerber Life Insurance Company does not provide specific tax or legal advice.
1 2021 National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) General Price List Survey
2 Social Security Administration website: