Accidental Death Marketing Campaign

Since 2017, Legal & General America has been direct marketing accidental death (AD) coverage to inforce policyholders. During these campaigns, select policyholders will receive a direct mail offer to purchase a pre-determined amount of AD coverage on a guaranteed issue basis.

Later this month, we will be launching our next campaign and much like previous direct mail programs, policyholders can enroll in this valuable coverage using a self-fulfilling authorization form, which can easily be completed and returned by mail or accepted online.


Important details

  • Servicing agents and their upline hierarchies will be compensated on accepted offers with a one-time commission on the first year’s premium. For a detailed compensation schedule, contact a member of our sales team.
  • Agents and their upline hierarchies must be A&H licensed to receive commissions and their licenses must be in the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR).
  • The Accidental Death policy is guaranteed issue – no additional underwriting required!
  • The mailing will be specific to each customer and will include a personalized coverage amount and pre-calculated premium.

The bottom line

This continues to be a great opportunity for you and your agents to enjoy additional financial compensation – without any additional workload or expense – and for customers to better protect their families’ financial future!