Rate update for Athene Products Effective 02/03/2024

We’re updating rates on Athene products. Rate grids with current and new rates can be found below. Visit Athene Connect for additional product information or to run an illustration.

Application deadlines

In order to receive current rates:

  • The application must be signed on or before February 2, 2024.
    • For electronic applications submitted on AnnuityNet or Affirm, the application signed date is determined by the final date you submit the electronic order to your back office. Please note, physical signature dates will not be utilized.
  • The application must be received at Athene* by market close (3 p.m. CT) on February 16, 2024.
    • If your back office requires the use of an order entry platform, Athene must receive the electronic order by market close (3 p.m. CT) on February 16, 2024. Copies of the paper application without the electronic order will not hold the current rates.
    • If the application is being funded from a firm brokerage account, your firm must be able to submit both the funds and electronic application by market close (3 p.m. CT) on February 16, 2024.
  • The contract must be in good order, suitability review complete (if applicable) and all funds received at Athene* by market close (3 p.m. CT) on April 3, 2024.

* Please Note: Athene’s rate lock period begins on the rate change effective date. If you submit applications through your firm’s back office, please allow for additional processing time in order to meet the deadlines listed above.

Revised materials will be available on the Forms and Materials page beginning February 3, 2024. Be sure to use up-to-date materials when offering Athene annuities. You may experience slight processing delays on any print orders in the days before or after a rate change effective date.

Athene AscentSM Pro 10 Bonus

Athene AscentSM Pro 10 Bonus Income Base Bonus

All StatesRider Option 1:
Guaranteed Growth
30%20%▼ 10%
Rider Option 2:
Guaranteed Growth, Plus Interest Credits
20%15%▼ 5%

Rates are subject to change at any time.

Athene Ascent Pro 10 Bonus GEN10 (04/14) and Athene Ascent Income Rider IR1 (09/15), IR2 (09/15) or state variations issued by Athene Annuity and Life Company, West Des Moines, IA. Product features, limitations and availability vary; see the Certificates of Disclosure for details. Products not available in all states.