Rate Rise for Select Athene Products Effective 06/04/21

Great news! Rates are rising on select Athene products. The rate grid with current and new rates can be found below. You can also visit Athene Connect for additional product information or to run an illustration.

These changes will be effective with a contract date on or after June 4, 2021. The contract effective date is the date the contract has been deemed in good order and all funds received. While we cannot reissue contracts, any pending business will receive the new rates if the contract date is on or after the rate change effective date.

Revised materials will be available on Athene Connect beginning June 4, 2021. Be sure to use up-to-date materials when offering Athene annuities. You may experience slight processing delays on any print orders in the days before or after a rate change effective date.

Athene AgilitySM 10 Benefit Base Bonus

Download our Product Guide for rates and state approvals.

Benefit Base Bonus
Agility 1020%25%

Athene AgilitySM 7 Benefit Base Bonus

Download our Product Guide for rates and state approvals.

Benefit Base Bonus
Agility 720%25%

Athene AscentSM Pro 10 Payout Factors

Download our Product Guide for rates and state approvals.

Athene Ascent Pro 10Single Life1
Lifetime Income Withdrawal Percentages
(Current & Guaranteed)
Earnings Indexed2
(Current & Guaranteed)
Attained Age:CurrentNewCurrentNewCurrentNew

1 Subtract 0.5% from the Single Life withdrawal percentage to determine the current Joint Life withdrawal percentage.
2. The Lifetime Income Withdrawal Percentage increases by 0.10% for each attained age between 55-90 for the Level and Earnings Indexed options, and by 0.045% for each attained age between 55-90 for the Inflation option.
3 Guaranteed rates may be lower than current rates. Please contact the Company for current rates when your customer wants to elect income.

Athene AscentSM Pro 7 Payout Factors

Download our Product Guide for rates and state approvals.

Athene Ascent Pro 7Single Life1
Lifetime Income Withdrawal Percentages
(Current & Guaranteed)
Earnings Indexed2
(Current & Guaranteed)
Attained Age:CurrentNewCurrentNewCurrentNew

1 Subtract 0.5% from the Single Life withdrawal percentage to determine the current Joint Life withdrawal percentage.
2 The Lifetime Income Withdrawal Percentage increases by 0.10% for each attained age between 55-90 for the Level and Earnings Indexed options, and by 0.045% for each attained age between 55-90 for the Inflation option.
3 Guaranteed rates may be lower than current rates. Please contact the Company for current rates when your customer wants to elect income.

Rates are subject to change at any time.

Athene Agility [GEN (09/15) NB], Income and Death Benefit Rider [IR (06/18)] and Enhanced Income Benefit Endorsement [EIBR (06/18)] or state variations are issued by Athene Annuity and Life Company, West Des Moines, IA. Product features, limitations and availability vary; see the Certificates of Disclosure for details. Products not available in all states.

Athene Ascent Pro [GEN (09/15) NB, GEN10 (04/14)] and Athene Ascent Income Rider [IR1 (09/15), IR2 (09/15)] or state variations are issued by Athene Annuity and Life Company, West Des Moines, IA. Product features, limitations and availability vary; see the Certificate of Disclosure for details. Products not available in all states.