DI Policy Service – Benefit Increase and Future Increase Option Rider Opportunities

The Benefit Increase (BIR)* and Future Increase Option (FIO) riders provide your clients with an opportunity to protect their future earnings by guaranteeing their right to purchase additional coverage in the future. These riders, when part of your clients’ individual DI policies, also give you the opportunity to connect with your clients to review their insurance needs and ensure their coverage is up to date. Use these links to review the features and benefits of the DInamic Cornerstone BIR and FIO riders and DInamic Foundation FIO rider.

To help you prepare and connect with the clients who have purchased these riders, you can access a book of business report on Producer Workbench. The FIO report provides policy information for each client, including the amount of FIO benefit available and the rider maturity date. A new BIR report provides policy information for clients who have purchased this rider, including the first two option dates for increasing benefits, as well as the rider expiration date.

For the FIO rider, clients may apply for an increase starting 31 days prior through 31 days after their policy anniversary. Applications for increases under the BIR must be received within six months after the applicable BIR option date. See the links above for details regarding off-anniversary increases for both riders.

  1. To access the FIO and BIR reports on Producer Workbench, select View Individual/RP Accounts under the Day-to-Day tasks section.
  2. From the drop-down selection box, click on Book of Business which will direct you to the Client Reporting System (CRS).
  3. From CRS, select Miscellaneous Queries from the drop-down selection.
  4. Once the Miscellaneous Queries option is selected, complete the additional fields that populate as follows:
    1. Select Query Type: Choose either DI Policies with the GPIR/FIO Rider or DI Policies with Benefit Increase Rider. There is one report for GPIR/FIO riders and a separate one for BIR.
    2. Select a specific Month or All Months.
    3. Return: Contract Info, Product Values, Inforce Only.
    4. Agent or Agency Code: Enter your unique 10-digit agent or agency code (AG000XXXXX or EN0000XXXX).
  5. Once the fields are complete, select View to retrieve the report.
  6. After the report is populated, you can Download the information into an Excel spreadsheet and save it.
  7. From the spreadsheet, you can manage and sort the information according to your needs. Client specific information about the FIO and BIR riders can be found to the far right of the spreadsheet.
  8. Utilize this report to create a plan for reaching out to all the clients with upcoming increase options on their DI policies. Be sure to check back next month, as we’ll share helpful tips for gathering necessary individual client and policy information needed to increase benefits under these riders. 

See pages 3 and 4 of the Ameritas DIalogue newsletter for more information.