Reminder: Product Updates Effective 05/15/21
Reprice: Value+ Protector II
We are repricing Value+ Protector II in the continued low interest rate environment while updating the Cash Value Accumulation Test (CVAT) interest rate to meet the new IRC 7702 requirements. Premiums will increase slightly while younger age guarantees decrease to under age 90. There are no changes to cash value, target premium, cap and par rates.
Reprice: Secure Lifetime GUL 3
Premiums on Secure Lifetime GUL 3 are increasing to reflect the current market conditions. We are committed to providing attractive guaranteed life insurance products to your clients and are continuously evaluating our product portfolio to help clients look forward to their financial future with confidence.
Enhancement: Dollar Cost Averaging Rider
In addition to lump sum payments (1035s and non-1035s), we are enhancing the DCA rider to allow ongoing annual, semi-annual and single premiums to be allocated to this rider and dispersed to the Index Interest Account over a number of months. With this release, DCA availability will be expanded to all new business Max Accumulator+/Max Accumulator+ II and Value+ Protector/Value+ Protector II issued on or after June 2018.