Help Clients Concerned About Stock Market Volatility
82% of adults saving for retirement are worried about a potential recession1
Do you have clients who want more upside potential but are concerned about stock market volatility and the impact of a potential recession on their retirement? A Power Series Index Annuity can provide:
- 100% principal protection with no loss of principal or interest earned due to market volatility2
- Upside growth potential based on the performance of equity and hybrid indices
- Guaranteed income for life even in a flat or down market3
See how a Power Series Index Annuity can help protect client assets in a down market
1U.S. News & World Report Survey: Retirement and Inflation, January 9, 2023.
2Contract value may decline due to withdrawals and/or fees.
3Lifetime income is available through annuitization as part of the base contract for no cost or through a guaranteed living benefit (GLB) rider for an annual fee.