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Thank you for making us No. 1

IncomeShield 10

Top Independent Agent Choice for 10-Year Guaranteed Income FIA1

More agents choose IncomeShield 10 to meet their clients’ guaranteed income needs than any other 10-year fixed index annuity with guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefits!*

We thank you for helping make IncomeShield 10 the top selling 10-year guaranteed income product for the past five quarters.

5 quarters in a row! Let’s keep up the momentum. 

1 Lifetime income available through optional Lifetime Income Benefit Rider.  Available for issue ages 50+.
*Source: Secure Retirement Institute: Index Annuity Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit Survey, tracking the amount of sales and assets in which GLWB were elected through 6/30/21. To request a copy of the data, contact American Equity Investment Life Insurance Company.
Annuity contract and riders issued under form series ICC17 BASE-IDX-B, ICC17 IDX-11-10, ICC20 R-LIBR-FCP, ICC20 R-LIBR-FSP, ICC20 R-LIBR-W-FCP, ICC20 R-LIBR-W-FSP and state variations thereof.  Availability may vary by state.
Guarantees are based on the financial strength and claims paying ability of American Equity and are not guaranteed by any bank or insured by the FDIC.