Now IncomeShield FIA Delivers More Income

We’re excited to announce four new updates to IncomeShield, each one designed to deliver more benefits to contract holders. 

1)  Increased rollup rates 
Income Account Value (IAV) rates on our fee-based Lifetime Income Benefit Rider (LIBR) options have increased.

2)  Increased payout factors 
Payout factors on fee-based LIBRs have increased for both single and joint options, as well as many joint factors on the no-fee rider.*

3)  Issue age reduction to age 40
We’ve lowered the issuing age for LIBRs to 40 years old. However, clients must be at least 50 to turn on LIBR benefits.

4)  New Enhanced Benefit Rider 
For owners age 75 and younger, an Enhanced Benefit Rider (EBR) is included on IncomeShield contracts. This replaces the Nursing Care Rider and Terminal Illness Rider. (EBR not available in California.) 

Review the new rates on the Lifetime Income Benefit Rider Rate Sheets, and log into the agent website to download new disclosures and submit an application through ReadyApp. 

Pending contracts and contracts issued June 29, 2022 or after will be issued the enhanced IncomeShield. We encourage you to begin using the new disclosures today; applications with old disclosures will not be accepted after July 13, 2022.

*A select few no-fee rider joint payout factors decreased.